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Province to focus on modern industries

Shandong is devoting itself to modernizing its economy to become more competitive by developing high-tech, eco-friendly industries and integrating agricultural, industrial, and service sectors, according to a senior leader.

"By the end of 0the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2011-2015), the ratio of primary to secondary and tertiary industries is expected to change to 7: 48: 45. Emerging industries added-value output will account for 10 percent of provincial GDP, and the output value of high-tech industries will go up," the governor, Jiang Daming, said.

This year, Shandong will focus more on developing efficient, eco-friendly agriculture. Production bases with higher standards will be built to handle vegetables, animal husbandry, fisheries, fruits, oil plants, cotton, seeds, and even tourism.

The manufacturing of equipment that is energy-efficient and less power-consuming will be encouraged along with the raw material sector.

For major technological improvements, there will be 1,000 projects with anticipated spending of 870 billion yuan ($132.5 billion), a year-on-year increase of more than 15 percent.

The province is looking at a series of strategic planning and support policies to assist emerging industries like new energy, advanced materials, new medicines, and information.

The service sector will be in the spotlight of industrial restructuring and will get top priority to bring its added value output as a part of GDP up 2 percent.

The software industry and information-based projects will also be pushed, for example in distance education, medical treatments, and wifi.

Date:2011-3-9 14:54:26     
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