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Shandong Weihai promotes the compulsory education for urban and rural children

(走基层 听民声)(3)山东威海:推进义务教育均衡发展 让城乡孩子共享一片天
The student from the middle school in Weihai in Shandong talked with his classmate in English on October 26.
(走基层 听民声)(4)山东威海:推进义务教育均衡发展 让城乡孩子共享一片天
The students play magic cubes after class.
Translated by Fang Yuanyuan (Shandong on Internet
Zhang Ran, a student of Heze middle school in Shandong, and Tang Haibao, a student from Sichuan, are the students of Gushan middle school. Their fathers are working in Weihai. Even Gushan middle school is a rural one, the two students has the same treatment of the education as the urban students. In Weihai, there are many students like these two children. And there are 28 schools in Weihai offering the compulsory education chance for the children.
In recent years, Weihai promotes the development of the compulsory education. There are four great project, they are the building of the primary and middle school, the food and transportation, the updating for the machine and the building of the information. The school invests the development of the school, education fee, the treatment of the teachers, the management of the staff and the distribution of the teacher. The city becomes the advanced region in the balanced development of compulsory work.
Date:2012-10-30 16:04:50     
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