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过渡人物:seat warmer



Analysts long speculated that Medvedev was merely a "seat warmer" while Putin served as Prime Minister due to constitutional restrictions.


Seat warmer一般是指“坐椅加温器”,在这里引申为“过渡人物”。新加坡也出现过类似情形,When he took over as Prime Minister from the senior Lee in 1990, Goh was widely considered a seat-warmer for the younger Lee.当Goh于1990年从李阁老(李光耀)手中接过总理这一职务时,人们普遍认为他只是小李(李显龙)之前的过渡人物。

在体育赛场上,seat warmer指的是“候补队员”,用来替换伤病队员,或者状态不好的队员。有时也称他们是“坐冷板凳”。他们很少离开座位,不久就用体温暖热了椅子,seat warmer这个形象的词就诞生了。

Date:2011-10-18 15:51:16     
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